Here you can see a list & short description of all my projects. Or most of them at least. There's also a link to each of their github repositories if you want to see more details.
(note to me; add image here. Maybe 2)
That's right, this website is one of my projects. It's far from a perfect example of web development, but hopefully it showcases my semi-competence in the field. As is usual for websites, this is primarily written in HTML with some CSS to make it look pretty. All programming was done by me, although I will give stackoverflow a small bit of credit. I used this project as a chance to learn and use CSS for the first time. My website will (hopefully) be continually updated as I get better with CSS.
(note to me again; add pic(s))
This project is a database for creating and storing characters for RPG-styled games. This project uses the MVC architectural design pattern with SQL as the database. This app allows you to create characters, randomly generate characters, level up characters, edit characters, view all characters and delete characters. The programming I did on this project is essentially just all of the C#. I programmed the CSHTML on the views a small bit, but mainly stuck to the presets on visual studio. Originally, this was going to be a database for D&D (dungeons & dragons) characters. But I had a short lived idea of creating a game similar to the Fire Emblem games, so I repurposed the database to store characters for my non-existent game. I plan to eventually add CSS to this and re-jiggle the CSHTML.
(Guess what, me? Add picture(s))
This project is a web application for translating numbers to and from Japanese. I made it to help me be able to quickly translate japanese numbers, instead of contemplating every number for a good minute. The UI is written in HTML with the backend being written in javascript. To translate, the app breaks down the regular number and translates each part. So far, this project isn't finished. I stopped working on this to start development of this very website. When I go back to it, I'll also add some CSS to make it look nicer. I'll also use my newfound knowledge of HTML to improve the general layout.
(picture(s) here)
(Add a description here)
(Insert image)
(Describe the concept of pac-man but 3D)
(Add visual documentation)
So basically, I'll explain it later
(Pics or it didn't happen)
(Brag about my 3D rendering skills)
(Brag about my 2D rendering and physics simulation skills)
(I'm tired)
(I'm going to bed)